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We thank you for your valuable participation with the DW in empowering the people around the world.


The Congregation of the Daughters of Wisdom is a catholic religious Congregation of French origin with a presence in 19 countries worldwide and the Congregation is legally recognized as a “not-for-profit” organization in each of these countries.

The Congregation has been committed, since 1703, to the development of the whole person through education, health care, social action, pastoral work and all other activities related to our charism. To meet current challenges, we work to liberate the individual and promote the development of peoples so that “they become architects of their own destiny”.

Your personal information is protected. The necessary banking data regarding your donation is secured through the PayPal website.

We are committed to giving the integral donation to the chosen works (excluding the exchange fees).

We will keep you informed on how your donation is spent through regular updates on this website.

We thank you for your interest and support. Your donation will allow us to continue our work with people who live on the margins of our society as we work towards justice for all.

Your contact information is very important to us. The Daughters of Wisdom will not share this information with other organizations or associations.

The Laura Vergara Institute in Palmira, Columbia, also known as The Home of the Widow has been under the direction of the religious Congregation of the Daughters of Wisdom for 48 years. The Home is meant for women who are left alone with the responsibility of raising their children in the midst of hardship and extreme poverty.
Open your heartand Care for Women and Children!

This powerful stormy rain left our institution in shambles.
We thank you for your generosity in supporting the rehabilitation of the buildings in order to offer good schooling conditions to the students of our school.


Thank you for being in solidarity with us to support the affected people.
Your donations will help to meet the immediate needs.


There is a dire need for help!
People are suffering! You can help! Any donation, even small, can alleviate misery…either for food or rebuilding. Let your hearts be touched….thank you for your solidarity!

That All May Have Life

Complete support for children at risk…Quito, Ecuador

Do you wish to join the Daughters of Wisdom in this ministry by your donation?


SOS Haiti  ... !
We invite you to make a gesture of solidarity with our brothers and Sisters of Haiti by making a donation. However small  is your donation …. it can help to save a life, to feed, to educate.. Thank you!

Wisdom School – DRC
In order to facilitate schooling for the children and to help face the difficult conditions they meet, the board of the Wisdom School has introduced a sponsorship programme for children from 3 to 18 years of age to help pay part or all of their school fees.

School at Petit-Goave - Haïti
In order for the school to carry out its work in educating these disadvantaged young girls, it is important that it have the required infrastructure, i.e.: new classrooms and more space to receive a growing number of students- all this to enable an adequate education for their benefit and that of their families and of society.

Education program - Indonesia
The Daughters of Wisdom continue work with the children and their families to help them especially to find sponsors to alleviate their difficulty of paying the school fees and also to support their human and spiritual needs through recollections, catechism and moral classes, through reflection on their life story, by developing their talents and social skills .

Health centre - Malawi
The Centre generates operational expenses through Government grants and patient user fees, however, it is increasingly difficult to fund medical equipment and instruments.The current challenges in the provision of health service delivery are inadequate basic medical equipment and surgical instruments.

« La Sagesse » Centre - Philippines
La Sagesse Rehabilitation and Development Centre provides educational, social and life skills training and support to approximately 120 children and young adults with physical and intellectual disabilities and their families from marginalised and disadvantaged backgrounds in Pasig city in the Philippines. In line with this vision is the need for a well-grounded group of people that can address the immediate needs of each child for his/her on-going development.   The programs vary depending on the needs of each child.

Institute for the deaf - Colombia
The education policy of the country has changed in the last years, favouring the integration of children with a handicap into an education system not adapted to their specific needs.  The Institute, as a consequence, is experiencing difficulty in assuring its sustainability and future. 

Association of Women MAMA HEKIMA
“An Association of Mothers “MAMA HEKIMA” ( mothers of wisdom in Swahili) in Kisangani, DRC, with the Sisters of the Formation Community. The aim of the Association was  to bring together Kisangani women of modest background to help them get organized for financial self-sufficiency. A beautiful project in line with the Regional Orientation: “To get in touch with the Mothers to support them in their struggle to care for their children and the entire family.”

The Development Office works in collaboration with the JPIC Office of the Congregation
(Justice, Peace and Integration of Creation)