We, the Daughters of Wisdom, present on five continents, wish to intensify our commitment towards Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation, and to defend the rights of women and children. Thanks to the generosity of donors, men and women will be able to see their lives transformed.

Health centre - Malawi


Sr.  Emma Nazombe, in charge of the Health Centre


Mayaka Health Centre receives an ambulance and health equipment. Like Montfort and Marie Louise who are still taking care of the vineyard which they have planted, so is the General Council of the Daughters of Wisdom ensuring that the poor are well taken care of at Mayaka Health Centre.

On   April 30, 2015, all the invited guests were seated outside the Mayaka Health Centre ground awaiting the CONVOY, escorting the Provincial Leader, Sr. Mary Chimalizen, driving BU 3505, a brand new TOYOTA HILUX AMBULANCE. It was indeed a special day for the people of Mayaka- the arrival of an AMBULANCE donated by THE GENERAL COUNCIL of the Daughters of Wisdom.

This ambulance will improve the life of the people in the catchment area, especially the women who may need a reference to the hospital in case of emergency at the time of delivery.

The Provincial Leader addressing the people gathered at Mayaka health centre.  Among the people present were, Rev. Fr S. Likhucha, bishop’s secretary, Rev. Fr. Chikwawa Parish priest of Mayaka Parish, Representatives from DHO Zomba, Representatives from Health commission of Zomba and few Daughters of Wisdom.

On June 31, 2015 the people gathered once again at this part of the country of Malawi «the warm heart of Africa». Although poor and living in a region hard to reach, the people of Mayaka have smiling faces, placing their trust on God’s providence.  Despite the cold, this day was warm for the people of Mayaka Health Centre. This time two vehicles from the delivery agency were bringing them an Autoclave, some beds, an Oxygen Concentrator and a HemoCue haemoglobinometer.

Photos Mayaka

The oxygen Concentrator is greatly needed at the Maternity Ward for the resuscitation of new born babies with asphyxia. Instead of referring every asphyxia baby and other critical cases to a central hospital for further management, we are able to treat them ourselves.

The new beds are a blessing for the postnatal ward as the previous beds were in poor condition.
The labour ward got a new look with two special delivery beds.

The HemoCue haemoglobinometer is used for HB checking antenatal mothers as well as other cases.

What a wonderful gift for the people of Mayaka and Mayaka Health Centre ! All these equipments will help Mayaka Health Centre to answer in a better way to the health needs of the people those who will benefit from its services.


Sr. Emma Nazombe

The Daughters of Wisdom established Makaya Health Centre in the Diocese of Zomba District in 1972.  It is situated in the southern region of Malawi.
Under-nutrition is the leading cause of child mortality and morbidity in developing countries. The problem remains a major challenge in Malawi and it contributes to high morbidity and mortality among under-five children and other vulnerable groups such as pregnant and lactating women. In Malawi, 48% of children under-five years of age are stunted while 22% are underweight and 5% are wasted.

The Centre has a catchment area of 128 villages and a population of almost 53,000 people. The main income of these communities is subsistence farming.  
The Center provides Preventive, Curative and support health care activities to very poor communities in the surrounding villages. 


The Health Center provides:

  • A Maternal Child Health programme
  • HIV Counselling and Testing Services
  • ART clinics for the provision of ante-retrial drugs to clients with HIV
  • A Sexual Transmitted Infection Clinic (STI)
  • A Community Managed Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) Programme
  • An Out Patients Department

Makaya Health Centre operates in a not-for-profit basis.  It is under the umbrella of the Christian Health Association if Malawi. The Centre aims to offer its services at a cost that is as low as possible while trying to maintain its own financial sustainability.

The Centre generates operational expenses through Government grants and patient user fees, however, it is increasingly difficult to fund medical equipment and instruments.

The current challenges in the provision of health service delivery are inadequate basic medical equipment and surgical instruments.

One of the critical, expensive and complex functional units within the health centre is the Maternity and Out Patient Department.  This is where heavy and expensive investment is made in medical equipment and instruments to strengthen the health care systems.

The Development Office works in collaboration with the JPIC Office of the Congregation
(Justice, Peace and Integration of Creation)