We, the Daughters of Wisdom, present on five continents, wish to intensify our commitment towards Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation, and to defend the rights of women and children. Thanks to the generosity of donors, men and women will be able to see their lives transformed.

Education program - Indonesia


The Education Programme in Indonesia began on 2009 to support children who have discontinued their studies because of poverty. The Daughters of Wisdom sought to help and support these children by finding sponsors who would enable the children to continue their education.

The programme began with eleven children and in the past six years has grown to support twenty children.   Six students are in senior high school, twelve are in junior high school and two are in primary school. 
Some of the children are orphans and the others have families who can not afford to pay their school fees.   All the families and guardians support the children in attending school and want the best for them; they are, however, unable to provide the financial support they need for their education. The children are bright and intelligent and have a great desire to study.Some of the children stay in the boarding houses near their school, which ensures that they don’t have to travel long distances each day.

The Daughters of Wisdom continue work with the children and their families to help them especially to find sponsors to alleviate their difficulty of paying the school fees and also to support their human and spiritual needs through recollections, catechism and moral classes, through reflection on their life story, by developing their talents and social skills .We meet with the students twice a month. 


We also work with their parents, empowering them to create something out of their own skills and resources. At present we support them in a micro-income activity of banana chip production.  They provide the bananas; the banana chips are sold in the local market and the proceeds are used to supplement the financial support of the students.  The parents are very enthusiastic and are eager to participate in the support of their children’s education.  

The Development Office works in collaboration with the JPIC Office of the Congregation
(Justice, Peace and Integration of Creation)