We, the Daughters of Wisdom, present on five continents, wish to intensify our commitment towards Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation, and to defend the rights of women and children. Thanks to the generosity of donors, men and women will be able to see their lives transformed.

SOS Haïti

SOS Haiti ... !

We invite you to make a gesture of solidarity with our brothers and Sisters of Haiti by making a donation. However small  is your donation …. it can help to save a life, to feed, to educate.. Thank you!

Significant material damage affects the service provided by the Daughters of Wisdom for the population especially in terms of education. The infrastructures of the schools of Jeremie, Moron, and Mare Rouge (in the north) are affected. In the school at Petit Goave, a part (8 classes) still functioning in temporary shelters was completely submerged by water. In these areas, drinking water and electricity are desperately short.

Haiti was slowly recovering little by little the terrible earthquake of 2010; another natural disaster has just hit the country on 3 and 4 October 2016 with cyclone “Matthew”, exceptionally powerful.

To this date the death toll has risen to around 900 and there is significant damage in the Grande Anse Department in the south of the country. Given the strong potential destruction of the cyclone the concerns are about the impact of this recent disaster. Indeed, the health, economic, and nutritional situation of the population is alarming. Losses associated with the destruction of infrastructure and agricultural crops are very high. Agricultural plantations are being destroyed. 80-90% of the region of Jeremie and Les Cayes are destroyed. Flooding may cause a resurgence of cholera, which has already led to more than 10,000 dead since 2010.

To this added the political instability prevailing in the country for more than a year. The elections scheduled for October 9 have been postponed once again.



The Development Office works in collaboration with the JPIC Office of the Congregation
(Justice, Peace and Integration of Creation)