We, the Daughters of Wisdom, present on five continents, wish to intensify our commitment towards Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation, and to defend the rights of women and children. Thanks to the generosity of donors, men and women will be able to see their lives transformed.

That All May Have Life

Complete support for children at risk…Quito, Ecuador

Sister Violeta Santos D.W.

The children of school age, living in the La Santiago sector of South Quito, Ecuador, are able to overcome situations of family violence, malnutrition and learning difficulties thanks to the programme « That all may have life », run by the Daughters of Wisdom since 2009.

We, the Daughters of Wisdom in Ecuador, faithful to the spirit of our Founders,  St Louis Marie de Montfort, and Blessed Marie Louise of Jesus, developed our missions in those regions which are the poorest and most vulnerable, so that the Lord’s favorites, the children, may live a healthy, dignified life.

In view of this, « That all may have life » has organized a complete extra-curricular programme promoting integral human development for school-age children who encounter problems such as- lack of motivation,  dropping out of school, malnutrition, poor self-image, family violence and poverty. These children also risk becoming socially marginalized.

Each year, we select a group of 30 children, boys and girls from 6 to 10 years of age, who attend a local school and who live in difficult situations. We ask them to come every day for a whole year to our center. This extra-curricular programme- « That all may have life » , allows us to help the children in the following areas : school work, physical and psychological  health, hygiene, nutrition, social values and Christian experience. There is also a programme for the fathers and mothers. This is carried out with the help of a pediatric nurse, a teacher, a psychologist and at times a doctor, and a ophthalmologist.

Gestures of mercy and of freedom

Those children, who benefit from this programme, develop attention skills, concentration, and creativity, become more orderly, learn to help each other, to respect others, and to live solidarity. They learn to do their homework on their own, and joyfully. They are better able to face difficulties, develop personal and community skills. The family atmosphere becomes more peaceful and harmonious because all the family is involved.

The families of the children also benefit from being given guidelines as parents. The School for Parents helps them become more involved and more committed in the education of their children, makes them more aware of their children’s need for affection and protection.


How can we keep up our work?

In order to continue this programme for children at risk, we need financial help; we need you solidarity, without which we are unable to continue.  The children in the southern region of Quito are counting on you. This ministry is one that has risen directly from the heart of Jesus, Wisdom Incarnate.

Help us to keep the doors of hope open for all those children who need the help they receive from  « That all may have life. »

It will be possible if you become our benefactors through your mercy and generosity, for which you will be rewarded by God himself. « What you have done to the least of these little ones, you have done to me »


Do you wish to join the Daughters of Wisdom in this ministry by your donation?



The Development Office works in collaboration with the JPIC Office of the Congregation
(Justice, Peace and Integration of Creation)