We, the Daughters of Wisdom, present on five continents, wish to intensify our commitment towards Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation, and to defend the rights of women and children. Thanks to the generosity of donors, men and women will be able to see their lives transformed.

SOS Madagascar


Source : Sr. Symphorose, Madagascar Provincial Leader, Daughter of Wisdom / Madagascar Express.

Once more, Madagascar is hit by a tropical cyclone: AVA razed the East end of the island on January 5, 2018.

The latest update of the National Office of Risk and Disaster Management (BNGRC) reports 29 persons dead, 22 missing and nearly 100,000 displaced or affected.

The Daughters of Wisdom, present in the country, alerted us and evaluated the situation around them:

South of Antananarivo, the village Aina (« life ») was badly affected : boundary walls are collapsed and the crops are flooded.

Antsiramandroso where a clinic is located is experiencing severe floods, the solar panels are blown away by the wind and the trees are uprooted.

There is no longer a large gate at the Ampanalana farm (near Tamatave). All the trees and utility poles are down.

At Tamatave two primary school buildings of Salazamay are completely destroyed.  

At Brickaville there are numerous floods and many people seek refuge in classrooms.

At Mahanoro part of the school roofs was blown away by the wind.

At Marotsiriry where there is another clinic, water keeps rising. All the crops are flooded: rice, cassava, sweet patatoes… As we are still in the lean season, the result will be a famine.

The suffering people need our solidarity. Your generous donation can help the people so they can face famine or rebuild their homes.

Thank you for your help!


In a country marked by poverty…

92 % of the population of Madagascar is below the poverty line. Over the past six years, malnutrition rate is constantly on the rise. Half of all children under 5 years of age are malnourished.

Luc Genot, emergency coordinator of the FAO, the United Nations organization for food and agriculture, said that “after suffering two or three seasons of crisis, households are severely affected and can no longer cope with a new emergency situation.”

Cyclone Enawo only aggravated the situation.

In these already dramatic situations, Cyclone Enawo crossed Madagascar leaving at least 52, 000 victims according to the president…a toll that will continue to rise…

Along the passage of the cyclone, 80% all the homes were destroyed. Stocks of rice in attics were destroyed or blown away with the roofs of the houses.

While the northeast of the island was hit hardest by the cyclone, in Antananarivo, the capital, lower districts are flooded. All the rivers are in flood and continue to rise.

The Daughters of Wisdom, present in the country draw up a picture of the situation around them:

  • Brickaville and Vatomandry where the Daughters of Wisdom have Primary and Secondary Schools, the houses are destroyed and/or completely flooded and families take refuge in the school and convent buildings.
  • Marotsiriry where Sisters provide health care in a clinic for the inhabitants of this very isolated territory, the homes are submerged in water. Roads and communications are cut off. The family house of Sr. Abeline is submerged up to the roof and Sr. Abeline has no news of her parents.
  • Mahazoarivo, Fandriana (highlands) with the presence of Primary and Secondary Schools, the rice fields of the Fandriana region are flooded along with the population. Harvest was due in a few weeks.
  • At Antananarivo where we have our Provincial House, water is on the rise.

There is a dire need for help! People are suffering! You can help! Any donation, even small, can alleviate misery…either for food or rebuilding. Let your hearts be touched….thank you for your solidarity!

The Development Office works in collaboration with the JPIC Office of the Congregation
(Justice, Peace and Integration of Creation)