We, the Daughters of Wisdom, present on five continents, wish to intensify our commitment towards Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation, and to defend the rights of women and children. Thanks to the generosity of donors, men and women will be able to see their lives transformed.
Section: Wisdom School - DRC




Knowing, managing and sowing love, is the motto of the La Sagesse School Complex. This work of education began in 2003 with a small kindergarten inside the convent of the Sisters of Isangi in the Entity of the Democratic Republic of Congo …small but already effective in teaching and in child-minding facilities. 

From the beginning, the Daughters of Wisdom ensured the consolidation of this emerging work of education for the disadvantaged young of Isangi and surrounding areas. They gradually organized the different levels of education, Primary and Secondary, while also developing Vocational Training. 

As the years went by, the school population grew to such an extent that the buildings for primary and secondary school were no longer sufficient to accommodate the increasing number of students. At times, the Principal even had to schedule the classes in a shift system, one for the morning and one for the afternoon, a difficult condition for both teachers and students. Recognizing this difficulty, the General Council of the Daughters of Wisdom gave their consent for the construction of a 12-room building, 8 classrooms and 4 other rooms: a library, an exhibition space, a cutting and sewing room and a computer lab. This construction was completed during 2018. The School Complex is now equipped with a new building, the pride of everyone since it is the first two-storey structure in the area.  

The day of the blessing of the building, with the symbolic ribbon-cutting, we witnessed, on the faces of students, teachers, parents, and local authorities, joy for the beautiful tool put at the service of education by a Congregation in this isolated environment, located in the equatorial forest along the Congo River. The speeches were full of gratitude to the Congregation. Throughout the day, the students expressed their joy in poetry, songs and dances rich in color.  

The French have a saying, “…a healthy spirit in a healthy body…”. Having adequate facilities is a prerequisite to ensure quality education. With this new construction, “La Sagesse School Complex” will be able to respond fully to its mission and providing the needed spaces for Vocational Training.

The appropriate school setting has already influenced the quality of teaching that the students received. During the 2017-2018 school year, at the end of secondary and humanitarian studies, all the students of the first graduating class passed the Examination organized by the Congolese State. Such an encouragement for both students and teachers! 

Thanks to the General Council of the Daughters of Wisdom, we can develop our mission and continue to reveal Christ in the Isangi area.


Faithful to the spirit of Sisters Mary Antoinette and Anne-Françoise, who gave their lives for the Mission of Congo and echoing the General Chapter, we want young people at our school to join with us to “Love without Borders.”                                                                           


The Development Office works in collaboration with the JPIC Office of the Congregation
(Justice, Peace and Integration of Creation)