We, the Daughters of Wisdom, present on five continents, wish to intensify our commitment towards Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation, and to defend the rights of women and children. Thanks to the generosity of donors, men and women will be able to see their lives transformed.

Wisdom School - DRC

Educating a child is to give a future

Sr Marie Madeleine Bofoe, Daughter of Wisdom

Unlike the other territories and dioceses of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Isangi, due to its isolation, does not have sufficient educational structures. On the other hand, years of political crises and rebellions have severely perturbed this region of Congo.

The conditions affecting education are the following:

  • Lack of motivation on the part of teachers because they are poorly paid by the government.
  • Corruption- subtly disguised as an incentive premium, which the parents of school children are obliged to pay monthly to supplement the poor salary the government pays to teachers.
  • The mediocre efforts of the students due to various factors among which that of extreme poverty.

During the last 12 years, the Daughters of Wisdom have created a school system called La Sagesse-(Wisdom School) which aims to provide quality education in this isolated milieu situated in the equatorial forest along the Congo River.

Photos page

In order to facilitate schooling for the children and to help face the difficult conditions they meet, the board of the Wisdom School has introduced a sponsorship programme for children from 3 to 18 years of age to help pay part or all of their school fees.

These school fees are as follows:

-90$ US for one year of kindergarten (3-5 years of age)

-100$ US for one year of primary school (6-12 years of age)

-130$ US for one year of secondary school or Human Development classes (12-18 years of age)

This sponsorship programme provides support for one or two children so that they too might have the right to live.

The contribution of people of good will is necessary to allow these children from disadvantaged families to have access to education.

By appealing to your generosity, we are filled with hope that we can continue this work and fight against the injustices which affect children, who, without help from the outside, would be prevented from becoming who they are called to be due to lack of education.

We thank you in advance for your understanding and generosity.


The Development Office works in collaboration with the JPIC Office of the Congregation
(Justice, Peace and Integration of Creation)